Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
Sometimes the administration of ideas come across quite ambitious and imaginative ideas that entail the same kind of ambiguous conclusions. Right now one of them will be spelled out.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
The idea is that now to open the stickers with sugar, coffee and other ingredients in these stickers, it will be much easier. The convenience is that to open these stickers you can not have two hands like we usually do, and one, on the principle of using the conventional syringe. That is, we take an innovative sticker in the form of a syringe in one hand and a similar movement during use of the syringe, push the plunger rod. Accordingly, the contents of the sticker falls within the required capacity. The material of this invention can serve as plastic, and thick cardboard. Use of reusable , this kind of stickers-syringes, as a separate utensil for feeding in cafes and restaurants of the dining rooms durable materials.
The idea is open for investment and complete its foreclosure.