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276 идей

25-04-2023, 07:39


Mykolo Chernotytskyi as the Chairman of the Board of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine for Innovative Development of Regional Broadcasting in Ukraine.

"Our goal is to build a media that Ukrainians trust. Without jeans and manipulation."


The ideological orientation of the Society contributes to our common path to Victory, motivates and inspires the Ukrainian people to be worthy of our free Cossack race.


Dear Mykolo. We are registering your new radio and TV content for real innovators in Ukraine and abroad, this is "Social Innovative Idea". You are the first to open this new page of development of innovations in Ukraine and present them in other countries.


Together to Victory! Together under the Peaceful sky!

Views: 285
22-04-2023, 14:09


 The head of the All-Ukrainian Association of International Employment Companies, Vasyl Voskoboynyk, was awarded a Certificate that he is an ideological inspirer, a consistent defender and a leading innovator in the protection of Ukrainian laborers in Ukraine and abroad.

 "There will be a severe demographic crisis in Ukraine after the end of hostilities. There will be a shortage of workers in the construction industry. There is a problem and representatives of business, the government, deputies, and Ukrainian society should be involved in its discussion.

We will do everything to return Ukrainians from abroad, but there will be a shortage of workers. And that is why Ukraine will be forced to attract labor migrants to Ukraine. And here the question is from which countries we will be able to attract them, on what terms. Are we ready to accept migrant workers with their families, or just to accept them for some small period of validity of a work visa. Everyone needs to think about it now."

 Together to victory! Together under the
Peaceful sky!

Views: 287
13-11-2022, 03:12

The other day it became known about the purchase by Google of the manufacturer of wearable devices Fitbit. In the light of events, the corporation hastened to patent the acquired developments, and one of the first was named - “Low-profile capsule for fitness monitoring”. The technical component of the device is hidden, but some details can be distinguished from the provided drawings.
Previously, Fitbit's core business was fitness equipment, so it’s logical to continue the production line of the acquired company. The product has the shape of a smart watch, where you can see the places under the bracelet straps.
Fitbit-Google - patent for a new device-3
On the front side there will be a square-shaped display, most likely with touchscreen support. On the back, a sensor module is indicated, a similar one is used to read the user's medical parameters.
By the way, the application was submitted by previous Fitbit owners back in May of this year, and the actual registration occurred six months later. One can only assume that $ 2.1 billion paid for Fitbit will be an economic success for Google.
Views: 471
10-10-2022, 02:55

NASA researchers believe that life on our planet originated from fallen meteorites, informs A report on the origin of life on Earth was published in one of scientific journals, and scientists have noted that along with the fallen meteorites on the surface of the planet were organic compounds, which became the beginning of a long evolutionary chain, which lasts millions of years on Earth.
According to experts, organic compounds came to Earth with meteorites, the Chondrites. The researchers emphasized that these meteorites provide an explanation for many processes occurring on the planet millions of years ago. In addition, NASA say that with the help of his new study, they found that water and asteroids, which are considered precursors of carbonaceous chondrites, it was still long before the appearance of the Earth around 50 million years. 
When you reach the planets, the asteroids were "fertilized" complex organic molecules, which can be called "the ancestors of mankind." According to scientists, asteroids, furrowing the space, can emerge even amino acids.
Views: 738
2-10-2022, 05:36

Team coordination of international assistance launched in test operation http://OPENAID.GOV.UA – database of international assistance projects and various tools for donors, artists, journalists. According to the initiators, the country still has not been a single public registry. 
It is a Single registry, with the ability to view the list of donors, programs and reforms on which help is available for searching by category. API, manually and web scraproom going all the donor sites , two e-services submission of documents for registration of projects and accreditation of service providers (international organizations), Analytics, news, events, and presentations.

Big Christmas #primogenita from the team coordination of international assistance - most of those grants, which everyone loves. We launched into test operation http://OPENAID.GOV.UA - database of international assistance projects and various tools for donors, implementers, journalists!
1) you probably find it hard to believe (or maybe already not), but there WAS NOT a single public registry. Was a definite sign that the Ministry was paper card registration (the Donor so-and-so starts the project Improve governance at the village for $5 million!) and that's it. 
2) reports on projects bad. They are often nobody provides. Sometimes when there is urgency is gone. What is written is not always clear. When the project closed, his site dies, everything disappears (and often anyone out there know what is this site?)...
3) the entire document of course paper, all call - up check this! convey a copy Tetovo. The most frequent request to the Department - and what are donor programs ottakaa direction?
4) the fellowship of the donors (foreign countries, international organizations, EU, OECD), beneficiaries (state Executive agencies), recipients (public authorities and organizations, NGOs, private companies, citizens), performers (international companies, organizations, Ukrainian private company) passes through us, past us, through other bodies, etc.
Trying to change all that!
- Single register, with search and categories.
- API manual and web scraproom was taken from the donor sites all they could do
- scanned all that we had
 two e-services submission of documents for registration of projects and accreditation of service providers (international organizations)
- news, events, presentations
- where historical information is not available - problem :( Will keep looking... but for new projects will have to fill efficiently.
- further I want to make online classrooms all participants of the process, online reports, subscribing to announcements about grants and tenders, integrated tool for creating websites of international assistance projects in the form of under-the Openaid website the like.
Everything is carried on their shoulders the head of the project Oksana Borysenko! Oksana, her large team of volunteers (believe me, corny to read these fit the texts and correct mistakes a hell of a job!) very cool!!! Congratulations Elena Tregub, Elena Levchuk, Alina Shved and all-all-all Department!
P. S. according to custom, the budget is not affected. Funds for the programming gave the delegation of the EU (Thanks to the European Union in Ukraine!), the rest of the work done for free.
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Views: 814