Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
Charging will occur on the tops of pillars where there will be a special place for recharging these devices.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
The idea is that the supports (pillars) that usually stand along the roads, have a square shape, and these parties have led the planes over the entire length, or partially, depending on need and functional use. This idea could work well at intersections of roads, where these signalnye supports may replace the traffic lights. They are quite the review will help understand how drivers and pedestrians to notice the signs of this support in the mode of the traffic light. They can also serve to illuminate the roadway. The present invention also has good prospects in the advertising business, as these led planes prop can be placed running line.
This idea is open for investment or partner cooperation.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
The idea is that in the construction of brick buildings will use lighting bricks, the task of which will be aesthetics lighting of buildings and structures. That is, light brick "INnovator" have the dimensions of a standard brick, or several bricks, as in the composition of the brick (2-6 pieces). They can be utilized in the corner walls when framing with brick doors and Windows, the construction of thresholds and slopes. Use is possible both on the street and indoors, the basement. The principle of stacking is nothing different from the usual brick, so he lay down on the mortar, and to it to supply power.
Himself lighting the brick consists of a solid frame (metal, plastic, stone, concrete), in the frame of the built elements of the lighting device (cartridge, connectors, holders for these elements, the lamp of different power, motion sensors and light). In the frame, if possible in more expensive models, can be mounted camera and / or scanner readout certain data.
As already mentioned, increased aesthetics and practicality, the beauty of the finished structures and buildings. There is a new trend in building design.
The idea is only open for investirovanie.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
The idea is that a pedestrian crossing is made in the form of auto mobile path, which is used in the transitions between terminals at airports. That is, when the light turns green traffic light for pedestrians, or automatic pedestrian crossing starts its movement with pedestrians. Increasing transport safety pedestrian crossing, as the automatic movement of the transfer vehicle can safely pass through the transition from the movement. Accordingly, ease of transition (moving) pedestrians the automatic pedestrian crossing, no doubt, highly enough. The transition has two transition lines that move in different directions, as one pedestrians need to cross the street with one side street to another, and another - from another. Of course, the stability and safety of the structure itself will provide the framework and elements of the transition with a high degree of strength.
The idea is open for investment and complete its foreclosure.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.