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276 идей

17-06-2023, 05:34


 Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

 Absolutely unique and innovative idea of copyright is offered to Your attention. Nowhere and never was an example, thus, to expand wearable smart gadgets with a number of existing and new functions, which will be described below.
 So, smart pocket "Innovator" has two types - stationary and mobile. Stationary is already supplied with clothing of any kind, mobile and can be placed with any ordinary pocket, with corresponding sizes. One disadvantage that has been identified by the experts of the platform "Innovator" is that this innovative gadget need to be recharged. The principle of charging can be standard wired or wireless. 
 First, the smart pocket has a backlight upper rim, the color of which may vary. When an incoming call to the gadget, which usually mates with him, the upper rim can change color for easy visual determination of its. Also in the smart pocket is built-in and vibration sensor, which also simplifies the process of accepting incoming calls and SMS messages. 
At the base of the smart pocket is located some buttons that can be easily identified doughnuts fingers. The functionality of their work will directly depend on the gadget, with which is associated the pocket. The button that will be responsible for call-answer call control button of the media player, the button "Home". In other modifications can be located and other buttons that will be directly dependent on the development of this project. That is, the user to work with this smart device will behave in a completely new way - without removing hands from the pockets, when used together with the gadget and attachments ( headphones, bluetooth headset ), use a separate but basic functions like gadget, and other devices that their functions can be interfaced with such devices. 
 With optional equipment smart-pocket "Innovator" may be another feature - the inner side of the pocket is equipped with a flexible touch surface. This will allow the smart pocket to use in conjunction with touch gadgets, to solve the corresponding problems, and as a separate device. For example, you can use the smart pocket as touch a computer mouse. That is, the user without removing hands from the pockets, can work with computer equipment. That, in turn, carries a certain novelty in the work with these devices.
 Developing this startup, presented an innovative smart device smart pocket "Innovator", it will be possible to introduce more and more other functionalities. It all depends on the investment and partnership with the author of this idea. 
 This idea is open to investment, and full of redemption.
Views: 3133
15-06-2023, 03:04


 Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation. 

 There are dozens of examples involving the use of technology, quadcopters ( drones ), starting from entertainment and ending military tactical use. Also, special attention will be pridelena the introduction of drones in the provision of our daily life. In this presentation, the author's ideas will be shown of the use of drones in ensuring road safety, which will increase at the expense of maneuverability, traffic light nodes. Yes, it was maneuverability, since the main functionality will be the flight capabilities of traffic light node along with them their light signals . Why and how it will happen, it will be described below.
 So, the traffic safety will increase due to the fact that the drones lights will be able to maneuver on their lanes, allowing drivers to see the signals of the traffic lights much faster and without errors. Agility will be manifested in the movements of these flying devices up and down and side to side. The driver of the vehicle, which will notice a drone traffic light in active mode and with the corresponding signal will be more attentive to the observance of this command signal of the traffic light as the drone the lights will have the opportunity to connect or catch up with a vehicle that tries to violate one or the other signal command. If all road users comply with all the rules of the road, the drone the lights will work in conventional mode, that is standard height and over its lane of traffic.
 Given that the drone traffic light "Innovator" will be able to work for some time battery, which will be located in the standard kit with this unit feature to be available offline, such as when lost electrical power. Also drone traffic light can replace the conventional traffic controller. This will be available because of the agility and autonomy of operation of this device. Traffic light control can be arranged in a temporary mode, for example when moving columns in an irregular intersections, with a separate control panel. As a separate feature, the package may include a built-in video camera that will enable you carry out video fixing entire process of the road and bring the server traffic all these data in on-line mode.
 Charging will occur on the tops of pillars where there will be a special place for recharging these devices. 
 This idea is open to investment, and full of redemption. 
Views: 2876
14-06-2023, 08:52


 Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation. 

 There is no such app or tool that would measure the number and subjects of our thoughts. It is impossible to count and analyze the progress and scope of our thoughts. It is only possible to voice their some part, or prescribe. Functionality innovative social network thoughts will just be granted to its users in order to assign and articulate their ordinary and innermost thoughts and desires, to surrender their lease, sell them and buy them, freeze them and change them. Very unusual material approach to intangible things. Just what we need in the age of new unconventional discoveries during the change of epochs.
Now more specifically about this startup. No one has ever left the world market for trade or services with such an unusual intangible goods - ideas and their material consequences and results. In the presentation of the social network of thoughts "Innovator" there is no trade, and there is a simple task to gather an audience that will be able to move away from the traditional virtual communication. Trade thoughts will appear in a further stage of development after the social network thing and a little later will be presented in the new presentation. 
 So, if we used the traditional title of user of social networks, such as the user or the blogger, in our case they will be called simply as a thinker. The thinker of the future user of the network becomes after passing the original registration which includes the usual contact details. The system automatically processes this data and sets a new thinker your profile in the style of the social network of thoughts "Innovator". Now, a new thinker can write on the page your thoughts and put them into the network. Then comes the fun part - the network starts with Your thoughts to produce all kinds of actions, namely:
- turn on the mirror effect - find similar thoughts among its users. For example, a thinker Anna wrote on the page that he now wants to go to the store and buy a handbag. The system analyzes the message, and, again, for example, finds Kate, who wants to do the same. Then these two thinkers will be presented both on their personal pages in the form of messages. And already their right, what to do - to get acquainted and work together to produce your purchase, or reject;
- propose to freeze this or that thought, well, let's say if it is not very pleasant for the thinker. Believe me, it is a virtual action will allow him to quickly get rid of her.
- offer to sell the idea. Selling thoughts, if it is in the opinion of its Creator, thinker, has an interesting and promising topic, will be made on the service on the basis of existing legislation, and to exhibit in a special section of the trade thoughts on the website. Accordingly, should You like the subject, with which other thinkers of sell your thoughts, then You can buy them before that to try to bargain.
- surrender of thoughts to rent. It is also a virtual action that will allow the philosophers is not the time to get rid of the bothersome thoughts. For example, at night, better sleep. 
- exchange of ideas. Also a virtual action that entails an equal exchange of ideas. Equivalence defines an auto-exchange system in social network thoughts. There will be great interest among thinkers who do not know what message and who will choose a system of equal exchange.
 will be gaming functionality, which is in the form of video presentations of thinkers will be able to reproduce their thoughts in the form of riddles. That is, the thinker is voiced in the form of riddles your thoughts, and other such thinkers, if you answer them, you automatically fall into the internal rating of thinkers.
 Global enough and promising project! Of course, not everything here is painted on the fullness of the social network of thoughts "Innovator". The standard procedure for investment or repurchase of ideas on the platform "Innovator" are the terms of service and rules. This project is also subject to these terms and conditions. 
Views: 3391
13-06-2023, 06:03


 Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

 This presentation of the author's ideas tennis smart grid "Innovator" will be quite short, because in his description it is quite clear and open, that will allow investors to quickly assess the potential of this startup. Also this, below, the described technology will allow bududa to apply it not only in tennis but in other sports.
So, in its structure tennis smart grid "Innovator" will have built-in micro chips and led signal lighting. Main smart the purpose of this sports equipment is that would be quite informative and quick to inform both players and fans of violations of the rules or the outcome of the game. Next will be a few examples on the practical application of this technology. 
 For example, during the serve in tennis is tapping the grid supplied by the ball. Sometimes this touch is almost not noticeable for the eye and ears. But the built-in micro chips in the smart grid, which react to any touch or vibration, clearly and quickly let me know how judges and players violating the rules by using signal light led elements that are built into the grid itself. That is, the grid will emit light radiation of an appropriate color and brightness. Also additional technical characteristics of a smart grid can also be equipped with sound support. And, for example, when a player forgot the ball to his opponent, the smart grid will perform only an informative function, notifying of the player corresponding light signal across its plane that he scored a goal. For example, it will be a green luminous color, and from the side of his opponent will be a red luminous color, announcing that he lost the ball. 
 The author does not disclose all of the functional features of the invention. All this will be available on the terms of the partnerships in accordance with working conditions crowdfunding platform "Innovator". 
 At the end of the presentation the author informs potential investors that the smart grid "Innovator" will be able to fully perform its functions only in combination with the same software that can be used as in the same mobile application and stationary computer equipment. That is, all color, light and the individual game settings you can adjust and control on your gadget using the mobile app. 
 So, we have a smart device sports the direction in its use and purpose has totally innovative characteristics. You can also state the fact that this startup will be a new fashion trend in sports of different sports. 
 This idea is open to investment, and full of redemption.
Views: 2794
12-06-2023, 12:43


 Personal non-material and proprietary rights to the invention belong to the author, and are protected according to the norms of the current legislation.

 During the growth and improvement of information technology and social communication, any new idea or technology has high chances for success and global popularization. Here and in this presentation case, the moderation of the platform "Innovator" makes for investment and crowdiffing consideration the author's idea of an innovative messenger, namely - Individual photo editor-messenger "Innovator".
 So, the idea is that the user after an appropriate simple registration gives access to his already existing photo gallery and contacts. First of all, the functionality of this application will process the entire existing photo album and in automatic mode and will sign every photo and video, depending on its type and color content. That is, the existing photo album will receive the name and comments to each photo snapshot. Further the functional copies the processed photographic materials and places their copies at itself on a platform. Further, the user, having completely unpredictable signatures and comments to his photos, will be able to use Individual photo editor-messenger "Innovator"- as usual, exchanging and sending them in free form, not only in this start-up, but in other existing resources of this kind.
 Also will happen with new photos, and with video. The user will be able to allow the application's functionality to immediately comment and sign new photos and place them on the page and stream stream ribbon without a letter of the messenger. These functions are also adjusted and changed accordingly. It will be possible to additionally set the subject of comments and signatures, set comments in the form of smiles or stickers, the delay time for the start of comments and signatures under a photograph, etc.
 In the opinion of the author of this idea, this innovative approach in the field of photo and video processing and social communication will allow to quickly increase the popularization of this start-up and bring it to the world market. This approach will make it much easier for users to exchange photos in the form of personal or open correspondence.
For example, let's show the simplest process of realizing this photo process - the user made selfie on the background of the sea. The functional of the individual photo editor - messenger "Innovator" signed it - "I'm at the Sea", tied the photo to the place of photography in the form of geolocation data and add a couple of cheerful smiles. Further, the functionality of the application asks the user to place the processed photo in the stream photo stream or forward it to the appropriate subscribers.
 So, we have a completely new, innovative and simplified kind of work with photographic materials and video files.
 This idea is open for both investment and full redemption.


Views: 2767