We know a sea container as a large-sized, metal container (freight container) equipped with devices that allow it to be quickly reloaded, transferred from one mode of transport to another, with subsequent transportation.
To expand its useful functions, increase the efficiency of its use and increase the profitability of its turnover, it is realistic to equip containers with mechanisms for its independent movement.
With the development of computer technologies, including AI, such a container will be controlled by an autopilot in automatic mode. For control, the operator can remotely monitor its movements.
This author's idea is open both for investment and for its full redemption.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
The idea is that the composition of the rubber mixture in the production of tires, added a number of components that impact, primarily, on traffic safety.
This idea should be divided into two stages - the innovation in the manufacturing process of the tire itself and the new equipment that will be used for the application of innovative tire "Innovator"
Innovation in the manufacture of tires "Innovator" is that in the rubber compound added special inks that respond to ultraviolet radiation and time of day (day and night). Day tyres have a standard color and in the night, according to the principle of phosphorus, akapusi certain light elements emit a glow throughout the space. That is, the tire Shine that has a positive effect on traffic safety and Parking safety, primarily in poorly lit areas. And on country roads and motorways this technology show himself to be, as ever, on the positive side.
Also, in the process of production of tires, rubber compound together with phosphorus component is added and the dye which changes its color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Basically, you need the work of the component in the red and blue colors. Below we describe why this is necessary.
When braking (pressing the brake pedal), ultraviolet emitters, which stand near each wheel, begin to work on radiation. The color of the bus is changing from blue to red. This will increase traffic safety, mainly in the dark, as all the drivers that are moving next to the car, very clearly see the braking maneuver of the vehicle. The color of the tires will change to red when speeding or aggressive driving (drive Hughes, riding with "slippage"). The possibilities of this technology has forced the inclusion of ultraviolet radiation, which may show that the car is moving with breakage, etc.
I repeat in something- have to increase the safety of driving. Also, to some extent, a trend in the automotive world.
The idea is open for investment, and for its full redemption.
The idea is to be moderated.

Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
The principle works like this - once the gun stations column interfaced with a car, or car menu on the display, or a special smartphone app asks You a question, how much fuel to pour into the tank. And accordingly, when the operation required the simultaneous operation of a Bank account, which automatically sent the payment for the product or service.
Under this system, the work stations reduced the number of staff and the speed of the fueling process.
This idea is open for investment , and for its full redemption.